Learn for Life Programme
Unity Primary School’s efforts into ensuring the successful implementation of Our Learning for Life Programme ‘CharGE UP! ’ – Character development through Green and Experiential learning @ Unity Primary, has been endorsed by MOE. It is Unity Primary School’s key programme to enhance our students’ learning through a firm foundation in values with its Green and Experiential Learning Programmes, equipping students with leadership skills and developing character.
‘CharGE UP’ looks into realising our school’s vision of ‘Creative Minds, Caring Hearts’ through engaged learning and Character building of our students from Primary 1 to Primary 6 in accordance to our E5 (Engagement, Exposure, Experience, Excellence and Evaluation) approach. It is a structured and progressive approach which focuses on Green Environmental Education and Experiential Learning to effectively provide our students with platforms for deepening of skills and knowledge as well as opportunities to exemplify values in order to achieve our school’s desired outcomes of Effective Communicator, Caring Individual and Self-directed Learner.
P3 Every Child a Seed
For Primary 3 students, the “P3 Every Child a Seed” programme, which is a collaboration with NParks, provides them with an opportunity to experience growing their very own plants, experience the planting process, observe the stages in the life cycle of plants, learn about the conditions that affect the germination or growth of plants, appreciate the joy of seeing their plant grow, and foster the value of responsibility while doing so.
P4 Every Child a Gardener
Our Primary 4 students will have the opportunity to work in teams to cultivate edible crops under the “P4 Every Child a Gardener” programme. Students will be tasked to observe the plants growth, investigate, evaluate and communicate the possible reasons for the poor or good harvest. In the course, they will learn to recognise and respect differences to work harmoniously in a team towards a common goal, that is harvesting their crops to be brought home as a gesture of appreciation to their parents.
P5 Every Child an Urban Farmer
Using modern technology, students learn to grow edible crops and share the harvest with the community under the “P5 Every Child an Urban Farmer” programme. Since 2017, the school has been growing crops using hydroponics and gifting the harvest to students and cleaners in the school. From 2018, to enhance the value of empathy, the harvest is also presented to those with greater needs in the wider community, such as the school’s partnering elderly and children’s homes. As part of reducing food wastage, students will also salvage unwanted parts and place them in the compost bin, as they harvest the crops, so that the composted products can be used as fertilisers for the Primary 3 & Primary 4 Every Child A Seed/Gardener programme. Other than the Science concepts, process and skills learnt in P3 and P4, students also learn about the essential of water to life and the need for water conservation in a water-scarce country like Singapore.
P6 Race to Sustainability at Gardens by the Bay
P6 students participate in an Annual Amazing Race conducted by Gardens by the Bay where they would work in groups of 4 to 5 and solve clues in each station. Through the race, students would develop awareness of the threats and effects of habitat destruction and climate change, understand the need for conservation and living responsibly as a global citizen. They will navigate around Gardens by the Bay using maps and learn to work together as a team.
Outreach to the Community
UPS reach out to the younger kindergarten, nursery pupils and public members through the various environmental projects to provide the platforms and educate students and the community to work towards a Zero Waste Nation.
Buddy Upcycling Art and Pang Sua Waterway Clean-up
Garden trail with PCF
Estate Collection
Booths were set up at community libraries and malls to educate the public members on upcycling crafts
Clean & Green Classrooms
Students do their parts to keep their classrooms clean. This helps them to understand the work and appreciate the help that our school attendants give to ensure a clean and conducive environment for learning to take place.
Mass Recycling
Every Friday, students will bring their recyclables and drop them in the recycling bins. The recyclables brought include plastic bottles, cardboard and aluminium cans. The mass recycling programme aims to not only inculcate recycling habits among the students, but it is hoped that this programme will also encourage their family members to adopt the good practice of recycling.
Food Donation Drive
To complement CCE & imbue in our students sound values with a heart of contribution to the society, the school, in collaboration with Food From The Heart, organises a food donation drive in Term 2 yearly to encourage students to put into practice of their values into action. This provides an opportunity for students’ involvement in the process of giving back to the society.
P6 Unité
The P6 Unité is organised for our graduating cohort to have the opportunity during their last year in Unity Primary School to experience cohort activities. These activities serve as platforms for the students to fortify community spirit and competencies as they embrace the challenges ahead for transition to the next phase of their educational journey. Through the various fun-filled games and activities out of their classrooms, students have opportunities to demonstrate resilience, teamwork and self-confidence. They are also motivated to give their best and have the desire to excel as they work towards the first important milestone in their life.
This year, the P6 Unité took place on 9 and 10 March. Students relished participating in the different activities as well as the bonding time with their classmates. The teambuilding games allowed the students to work together to brave the various obstacles. As the students humbly recited the class pledge and held up the class flag created by them in unison, their teachers looked on with great pride and delight.
Notably, students garnered essential learnings and demonstrated their appreciation to their classmates and teachers at the end of the 2 days. Students reflected that it was indeed a meaningful and memorable experience for them to reminisce upon their graduation at the end of the year.
P5 Outdoor Learning Experience (OLE!)
The P5 OLE is organised as an alternative programme to the P5 Camp Fortitude Outdoor Adventure Learning (OAL) Cohort Camp to achieve the OAL & Outdoor Education objectives.
The 2-day programme aims to provide students with an opportunity to:
- build their confidence & resilience through outdoor learning activities.
- appreciate diversity in the team, teamwork & learn about conflict management in group settings.
- harness their strengths & work on their areas for improvement.
- forge camaraderie with peers through common experiences.